san sebastián

On trips, as in life, you can plan as much as you like. You can plan where you'll go, what you'll do, who you'll meet, what you eat. You can plan for things to go according to plan, or you can plan for things to do no such thing. On this particular day, though, there was no way we could have planned to approach a huge speaker blasting dance music as we were leaving the beach. There was no way we could have planned for all three of us, without even a word, to simultaneously burst out into dance, to sway with that music at once... under the sun, huge smiles on our faces. There was no way we could have planned for that crowd to form, either. These are the things that breathe pure life into every experience. The things you plan for may happen... or they may not. That's not the stuff that's truly going to make its mark on you.

Photos of me by Erik and Gretchen.

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